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What We Do

We provide resources for biblical counselors & disciplers – The CBCD website contains dozens of audio resources and articles to help biblical counselors minster to others struggling with life problems.

We provide training in biblical counseling & discipleship – CBCD sponsors three main training opportunities:

  • The annual Biblical Counseling & Discipleship Conference (BCDC) – This conference provides over 30 hours of training in biblical counseling and discipleship. The event takes place over three weekends each fall. The training offered through this event is certified by the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) and can be used toward ACBC certification.

  • Weekly classes in biblical counseling – Every week, CBCD hosts a free, advanced training class in biblical counseling for those who have already completed a basic course. Many of the students in this class are actively working on biblical counseling certification with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). This class provides advanced training in biblical counseling and specific help and assistance in becoming ACBC certified.

  • Observation and internship opportunities – CBCD provides opportunities for qualified students to observe live counseling and to interact with experienced biblical counselors ministering in the local church. Furthermore, a select group of highly qualified students can apply for short-term internship positions in the counseling ministry.

We provide support to pastors in local churches – We desire to help pastors and local churches re-discover the biblical mandate of discipleship and counseling. We hope to come alongside and help ministry leaders learn how to counsel and how to train believers in their congregations to minister to one another. We accomplish this goal by inviting staff pastors to attend our BCDC conference free of charge and by providing personal support and guidance for developing and implementing discipleship and counseling in their own churches.

We provide free counseling to our community – Our church is committed to minister to our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ and the sufficient resources found in the Scriptures. We desire to be a blessing and help to our neighbors by providing free counseling. We also help connect hurting people in need of counseling to other likeminded churches who provide discipleship and counseling.